Tuesday, February 03, 2009

We have a winner!

Congrats to Jennifer Borne, who won a free 5x7 for first emailing us with the correct answer...

George Costanza from Seinfeld.

The entire quote:

George Costanza: The sea was angry that day, my friends - like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli. I got about fifty feet out and suddenly the great beast appeared before me. I tell you he was ten stories high if he was a foot. As if sensing my presence, he let out a great bellow. I said, "Easy, big fella!" And then, as I watched him struggling, I realized that something was obstructing its breathing. From where I was standing, I could see directly into the eye of the great fish.

Jerry: Mammal.

George Costanza: Whatever.

Cosmo Kramer: Well, what did you do next?

George Costanza: Well then, from out of nowhere, a huge tidal wave lifted me, tossed me like a cork, and I found myself right on top of him - face to face with the blowhole. I could barely see from the waves crashing down upon me but I knew something was there. So I reached my hand in, felt around, and pulled out the obstruction. [George reveals the obstruction to be a golf ball]

Cosmo Kramer: What is that, a Titleist? [George nods]
Cosmo Kramer: Hole in one, huh?

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