Sunday, January 21, 2007

Jackson is ONE!!!

I cannot believe it.

Here's a summary of how he felt about his shoot today:

More cute pics to follow.

Just a reminder...

I'm going in for surgery on Thursday, so if you want your order to be placed this week, please have it to me by Tuesday. I'll be in the hospital for 3-4 days, and then in recovery for a couple of weeks, so after Tuesday, service might not be as prompt as usual.

Thanks for understanding!


Don't they just melt your heart? =)

Mommy & Daddy's ray of sunshine...

There's something about this first shot that I just LOVE. I love the intimacy you can feel when you look at it. This little man was so very precious. His eyes were just gorgeous!

More Birthday Fun!

My session with little M went so well! She was in such a great mood through all the clothing changes, backdrop changes, etc. It's so exciting to have been in business long enough that I'm having children come back at new stages in their lives for more pictures. I so much enjoy getting to meet these families and see the children grow right before my eyes.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Cuteness Overload

A few of the cutie patooties I've photographed lately. Aren't they precious?!!

More Maternity Photos

I'm having so much fun photographing all these expecting mommies lately! This is my dear friend, Lana. She found out she was expecting a month before going through an IVF procedure. God is so good!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

They're having a baby!

These are friends of mine... can't wait to meet their sweet little baby boy!

Precious Baby Blues...

I have taken this little boys pictures before, and he made an impression on me because he was just SO adorable! He now has a precious baby sister who is just as sweet! Check out their beautiful blue eyes!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Life Needs Pictures

My studio is coming along! The new floor is going to start being laid today, and then I have to wrap up a few things like permits, furniture, etc. =)

However, I'm going to be putting off my "Grand Opening" until March, and I will keep everyone posted on the date. I found out last week that I have a tumor on my kidney and was told this week that there is a 97% chance that it's malignant. I will be going in the next week or so for surgery that will require a recovery time of 4-6 weeks.

The first thing I was moved to get done when I found out I could possibly have cancer was to take individual pictures with each of my girls. Sure, my girls are some of the most photographed children around. I have a lot of precious pictures of my daughters that I will treasure forever - but I'm always on the "taking" end of the camera. It was important to me to have pictures of me WITH my children. It's something I know they'll treasure in the future and if something were to happen to me, it's something I want them to have. Not to say anything will happen. My prognosis is excellent, and I don't forsee any problems - but when someone sits you down and tells you you have cancer, it makes you stop and think.

I set my lights up and put my camera on a tripod, and my mom came over and graciously took pictures of me with my girls, my husband, and my family. These pictures are a reminder to me of why I am a photographer and what an important job I have to preserve such special memories and treasures for the families I come in contact with. Please enjoy the slideshow of my family & hug your babies extra tight tonight!

Monday, January 08, 2007


This new mother-to-be is absolutely radiant! Best wishes, A, on the remainder of your pregnancy! I can't wait to do newborn pictures! =)

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Happy Birthday Zoey!

This little one was such an adorable child! She was MUCH happier this time around than the last time I photographed her - when we tried sticking her in the lap of some strange bearded man in a red suit!