Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Small World

I grew up about three doors down from this little girl's Daddy. I think he was suprised to see me when they walked in to the studio. =) Little Miss is certainly a cutie!

And then we have our little Longhorn fan...

Daddy was trying to teach him the "Hook 'em Horns" sign in-between wardrobe changes...


Little Canon is learning early...


Ginny is a Senior in Pearland who graduated early but is going back to walk with her class. Here are a few from her session:

Monday, April 23, 2007

Announcing Mom & Me Limited Edition Sessions.

How many times as a mom are you not in pictures because you're the one behind the camera? These sessions are for YOU! Celebrate Mother's Day this year by coming in May 10th - 12th to have portraits made with your child. They are pictures your children will treasure for years to come. Let me capture that unique mother/child bond that as a mother of 3 I understand so well! Limited Edition sessions are on a first come/first serve basis. Details and a list of available slots can be found here on the Laura Odom Photography website.

Fun to be ONE!

I had lots of first year sessions last week. Here are some of my favorite shots of these precious one year olds:

Thursday, April 19, 2007

You like me! You really like me!

Wow! I'm overwhelmed at the reponse I've had since opening my studio and starting back to work in March after recovering from my surgery. To all of my clients out there stalking the blog (you know who you are!) -- Thank You!! Thank you for believing in me, for entrusting me to take photos that you will disply proudly in your home, for your referrals and your sweet words of encouragement.

Business has exceeded my expectations thus far, and I hope to continue to serve this community as your photographer for many years to come. It has gotten to the point where it's time to branch out - I can't do it alone anymore! I am looking to hire some office help. So, if you or someone you know is interested in getting more information on that, please send me an email! (laura@odomnet.com)

In the meantime - please be patient with me! I'm trying as hard as I can to provide the best customer service possible, but there are times when it takes me a few days to answer emails or get to specific requests. Please understand I will do what I can to get to you in a timely manner!

Again, thank you so much for your support. I really do have the best job ever!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Happy 10th!

Tracey & Derek are friends of ours who are also in the 10 year anniversary club with Kevin & me. (Other members include Ryan & Amanda). We really need to plan our date guys!

Here are some of my favorites from their session:

I can't compete with a big red caboose.

No surprise there. For some reason Wyatt wanted nothing to do with me... it was all about the TRAIN! That's okay. We worked out a deal on some cute shots anyway. =)

Two new babes...

I just love newborn sessions! They help me get my baby fix since my new baby days are behind me!

Here are two sweet new boys I met this week. This first one had a pink nursury all ready for him. Surprise!

And this one I saw twice within a week's time. Once for his session and then in the bluebonnets for Kellie's portrait party. I couldn't help sneaking one of those in because they were sooooo precious!

Friday, April 13, 2007


Ok Kristi - I didn't put the "silly ones" on the blog, but they're way cute. =) Here's a little teaser! Enjoy.


Here's a good-looking family I had the pleasure of photographing this past weekend. Grandma & Grandpa were all smiles! That's what having grandchildren does to ya!

More Gorgeous Children...

Such beautiful eyes!!

And how about some yummy smash cake??

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Michelle is a Senior in Friendswood. We had fun taking picutres at the beach and then some studio shots the next day. Michelle is quite talented ~ she plays the banjo and is already doing work with EMS & plans to get her degree in nursing.