Thursday, January 08, 2009

Li'l Pilots Limited Edition Session

Come join the frequent fliers at Laura Odom Photography for our first LE session this year!
Li'l Pilots will be flying through the studio Thursday and Friday, Jan. 22-23.
Cost for the 15 minute session is $35 and includes a 5x7 print of your choice.
Call us now to book your slot! 281-485-9300.
Be checking back soon. We plan to announce our Limited Edition calendar early next week!


EMWilkinson said...

That's awesome...David LOVES planes! I'd love to have some pictures of him like this...hmmm...I'll think on that!!

EMWilkinson said...

Do you have any thurday openings for this session still?? I'll email you tomorrow case you don't check these comments that often. :)

Grace said...

How CUTE! Sorry we didn't know about it (and were just getting around to order our Christmas prints...)!