Friday, June 27, 2008

Martha y Ricardo

Some of you may remember their fun engagement pictures last year (here). Martha & Ricardo became Mr. and Mrs. last weekend in Pearland. Despite the torrential downpour and flickering lights moments before the ceremony, the weather managed to clear and the church building maintained power for the entire ceremony. And as a bonus, God blessed them with a beautiful rainbow to begin their married life together!

A few getting-ready details:

The Ceremony. I get so sappy when grooms tear up!

The Reception:
These two were the most athletic dancers I think I've ever had as a bride & groom! Very impressive!


And I always love me a good piano shot:
Congratulations you guys! You can view your slideshow here:

1 comment:

LLMPhotography said...

LOVE the ring shot in this one too!!! All of these are GREAT!

What type of diffusier are you using on your flash? Your exposure on your dress shots are amazing!

Tif <><