Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Relay for Life!

We had an awesome turnout for the Pearland RELAY for LIFE. Our team managed to raise over $4000 for the American Cancer Society! Thanks to all of you who contributed.

Here are a few pictures from the night. The relay went from 6 pm to 6 am.

Here are some cuties who just happened to pose like this on the spot (I'm not kidding, this was totally unposed!) Don't know who they could belong to, but they're cute, so I took the picture...

Here is Lana's family. Look how sweet her boys are!
Here I am with some friends doing the Survivor Lap.

The Caudles brought a picnic dinner.

Michelle & Tracey brought matching walking shoes:

Derrick was our the lone man to stick with us all night... we had others that had to take the rugrats home for bed...

Skip-bo becomes funnier and funnier as the night wears on!

The youth of the team:

Congrats to Jessica Bilnoski, winner of our free session and 30x40 canvas!

John Landon finally fell asleep in the wagon ride around the track:

Love the toga headware here:

Jazzercize at 1 am... there are our faithful three participating!

Thanks again to all of you who made our effort a success!

1 comment:

EMWilkinson said...

Looks fun! I missed out on our relay this year...but I hope to get involved next year! You are very inspiring!