Friday, April 11, 2008

Leah + Jason

Leah and Jason were wed this past weekend in Galveston, TX at the Hotel Galvez.

The dress:
Leah was a radiant bride:

The colors were beautiful!

Leah with her supermom, Charlie:

Love a good dip...

The bride and groom made a pinky promise that had something to do with cake...

Unfortunately, Jason didn't think it applied to the grooms cake:

Congratulations, you guys! I wish you all the best!

You can view the slideshow of my favorite images from their wedding here:

1 comment:

Sonia Ann-E said...

Dear Leah & Jason:
My niece, the beautiful bride. Your wedding and reception were spectacular. Jason, I loved how you sang to Leah. Congratulations to you both. Unc and I wish ya'll many many years of luck, happiness, and lots of love. We love ya'll BIG BIG & BIGGER.
Auntie & Unc