Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Haley + Chad

Haley & Chad (who are as cute as a bug) were married this past Saturday in Spring, Texas. I do believe Haley was one of my most nervous brides ever pre-ceremony:

I love how Chad is leaning forward here to catch a glimpse of his bride:

Other than a little glitch with the unity candle...
the ceremony went beautifully without a hitch:

I love it when the bride and groom allow me to steal them away for a few minutes:

Yummy looking groomscake:

The best man was so nervous he wouldn't allow me to even take his "speech sheet" away for a moment... he claimed he didn't know me well enough and didn't trust me.

He did a fine job...

Nice leverage for both the bouquet and garter tosses:

One of the most sentimental gifts came from one of the groomsmen. Someone needs to snatch him up quick! What a catch.

Another groomsman and his date showed us how to "cut a rug" (as we say here in the south).

One final dance for the bride and groom:

More fireworks:

To see Chad & Haley's slideshow with more images from the wedding, please visit:

1 comment:

Ali Corbett said...

Oh my gosh! Those pictures and slideshow are great! You are one of the best wedding photographers I know, Laura! You always do such a great job capturing emotions and some of the small details that often get the best man reading over his notes! Priceless! The weather looked so nice for a February wedding! Great job!