Sunday, September 30, 2007

LightPro Expo!

I had the pleasure of spending last week in beautiful Captiva Island, FL for a photography lighting workshop. Please be patient with me, as I have a lot of catch up to do on email replies, etc. In the meantime, please enjoy some of the pics from my week:

This is my friend & roommate, Barbi, a photographer from Va. That's also her in the sillouette...

Not only did we get to go on sunrise/sunset shoots with models and helpful coaches, we also were able to check out models and photograph them in the shooting lab. They had 16 stations set up with lights, backdrops & the works. Here were some of my images...

And I just thought these chairs at the resort were really cool:


Anonymous said...

Glad to have you home! You got some great shots. I love the b/w on the beach and I can hardly wait to see the rest!

Amanda Parsons said...


EMWilkinson said...

I think you just keep getting better! Love all those shots!