Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Thinking Ahead

What's going on at Laura Odom Photography? Well, my Limited Edition sessions are scheduled through the rest of the year and are already filling up! Here's what's on the calendar. Email info@lauraodomphotography.com for further information.

My fall calendar is already filling up quickly. If you want to schedule sessions for Holiday photos, now is the time!

Autumn Apple Affair - Friday, Sept. 7th - Saturday, Sept. 8th.

Snapshots With Santa (& Mrs. Claus too!) - Nov. 10th - Nov. 17th.
Focus on the Family - Friday, Nov. 23rd - Saturday, Nov. 24th
Holiday Baking - Thursday, Nov. 29 - Saturday, Dec. 1.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What CUTE ideas. I'm not generally big on lots of props for kids, but these work really well. I love it.