Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Sneak Peek!

Did we get it??

So, photographing a family of 6 can be quite the challenge, but believe it or not I really enjoyed taking pictures of this family. Their kids were polite and friendly & a lot of fun. The three year old? He was a very typical three year old - fun! =) Thanks, kids, for being patient with me and little brother and sitting through the hundred or so pictures I took! Mom and Dad - I hope we captured one you're happy with.
Friday, October 27, 2006
A boy and his dog
Monday, October 23, 2006
Don't Cry!

It's not too late! You still have time to

Dogs are people too?

On Location with Ellie
Thursday, October 19, 2006
All Grown Up

I'll admit it - I'm a sap. I was editing these pictures today and started getting all weepy. These kids were so polite & the family was so fun and easy to work with. I was very pleased with the way they turned out. You can really feel the closeness of their family. They made me smile. Why the tears? I guess I'm just thinking ahead to the future when I will have three teenagers (yikes!) and I'm just not ready to go there. Hug your babies. They grow fast and before you know it, they'll be respectable (hopefully!) young men and women.

Self Portrait
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Picture Parties, Picture Parties, Havin' Fun at Picture Parties...

Here's a fun gang of teachers who call themselves the "Footloose Team":
And here's one of my favorites from the batch I'm still editing. This precious little one was EVERYWHERE and wanted not much to do with me and my camera. We did finally get her to dance around though, and I capured this ~ which I love!
Friday, October 13, 2006
I love it when Mom brings props!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Pixel Dust...
Monday, October 09, 2006
Friday, October 06, 2006

Monday, October 02, 2006
Apple "Pic"-in Time
This was my first time to take pictures of this little princess, but I hope not the last! She was such a ham and totally had mommy and daddy wrapped around her fingers!

This is Jackson. Jackson is the first baby I've hit all the milestones with. I can't believe how FAST this year has gone. I'm sure mom and dad can't either. Today he was ALL smiles. SUCH a cutie!!
I know you so can't even see Jacob's face in this picture, but I think it's my favorite from his bunch. (Even though there were some PRETTY cute ones!) Jacob kept filling this basket up and dumping the apples on himself. It was too funny.
I love it when moms bring their own props! These kiddos brought caramel apples for everyone ~ even my girls. So very thoughtful, and the makings for cute, cute pics!
This beauty totally knew how to work the camera. Daddy better get that bat ready NOW!

Oh, I am so in love with this little man! He is so stinkin' adorable! If I had a little boy, I'd totally dress him like this ~ SO CUTE! Cole was totally into our photo session this time around ~ MUCH better than the last time I saw him where he wanted nothing to do with me!
Quick note to apple moms ~ if your child's picture isn't here, it's not because I didn't think they were precious. I'm just honoring the fact that you didn't sign a model release!